A letter to someone special I know

Dear M,

Every time I hear from you it makes me happy. Insanely happy. I don’t think neither of us can fully comprehend how life-transforming that hug was at the forest where we first properly met. At least for me. You see, my life then had a fixed structure. Things would happen this way and then go that way; it was all pre-determined. And then it all fell apart like a house of cards and my first instinct was to head to a beach; something that people around me told I never would do and would just speak about doing. I wanted to seek refugee, watch the waves, run away from everyone and just take a breather. I did not expect to meet the people that I did. I did not expect to meet Yorit and her family who showered me with so much of kindness and love. I did not expect to run into you but I did and it changed my life for the better. 

Meeting you showed me that the world was a much larger place than I could ever comprehend. And there was so much about the human nature, our spirits, our tenacity, our capacity and more that I am still yet to learn and fully understand. It broadened my horizons that day and I’m sure it will take me a lifetime to understand it. Even then it would not be enough. I met you at a phase in my life when nothing made sense and I just wanted to end it all; just to stop the noise and grief in my head. All it took was one random act of kindness from you, a simple hug in the middle of the night before you boarded your bus and…. I was born again. That night you filled me with hope and then some more each time I met you afterwards during my weekend escapades. I drove three hundred kilometres and back just to meet you simply because it was worth it and I felt energised and hopeful each time I met you.

M, you are a kind, sweet, gentle and amazing soul who has immense potential and the capacity to touch and change lives for the better. I also know how sensitive you can be both emotionally and physically at times. I can understand to an extent; I am a highly sensitive person myself and for people like us especially the world can seem like a cruel place. It certainly can be at times but best not to let it get to us.

One of my favourite moments was the day after your birthday when we met at a café where they served those mango smoothie servings in earthen bowls. We sat under a tree watching the sky, I was grateful for the peace and tranquillity of the place that night which was surprising as that would usually bother me; a quiet place in an empty road surrounded by trees and no people? GTFO. But with you around it didn’t seem so scary and I didn’t mind. I gave you your gifts; the book and the bracelet. You rested your head on my shoulders and at that moment I was at peace. I didn’t want to go back home the next day and so we began planning my next visit to meet you that very night. I must confess, I couldn’t look into your eyes that night simply because of how radiant they were, and I admit, each time you smiled I felt immensely shy and I wanted to crawl back into my shell. Luckily, I didn’t.

That night I asked you to do one thing and I will repeat that here because it is worth mentioning again; Be strong. Not because you can be but because you are.

Life can seem pretty daunting at times. People can come across as rude and uncaring; sometimes they are, sometimes it’s just a misunderstanding. A lot of times it can feel that it is close to impossible to ever make a real connection with someone and bond with them the way we want to be.

Here’s a secret to life that you inadvertently ended up teaching me and I am glad to share this with you now; don’t seek connections in life. Live it instead.

Go out there. Do something because you want to and not because of the money. Live your life vicariously and live it well. Meet people because you want to and not because you expect or seek something from them. You’ve been blessed with immense potential and I want you to take life in stride with each step and be grateful for where you are, who you are and the opportunities that lie ahead of you. Be excited for life, live it well and the rest will fall into place so don’t worry about it. Just focus on living and making the best out of each moment.

Today we started the construction of our new home. Watching the labourers hard at work it struck me how diverse our lives were. I get to work in an office on a laptop and go home each day. They get to go taxing manual labour all day and sleep in makeshift sleeping beds under their trucks. In different parts of the world there are many such people most of who have different stories and backgrounds; we will mostly never meet all these people and it truly is a testament to how large our world is and how far we’ve spread across to lead such different and rich lives with varying life experiences. The world is so exponentially large; it will take more than a lifetime just to fully comprehend its magnitude and truly appreciate this one shot that we’ve been given to live it. To live life is sheer privilege indeed. Yes, at times I do feel sad. Let down. The days do get lonely. They go by in a blur. And then I remind myself…

I remind myself how lucky and fortunate I am to lead the life that I currently live. I have everything a man can ask for to survive and make it in this world. I have been blessed indeed. And each time I feel sad I know that this moment is fleeting, and I can change it by simply working on it. I don’t want to let that feeling or any of my emotions conquer me. Take this from a man who battled suicidal thoughts at a very young age; it really is for naught and if there is one thing that I have learnt and know for sure it is that you can bring your piece of heaven on this planet, take charge of your life and live it really well because that is how it is supposed to be. 

Don’t let your bad moments get to you no matter how tempting that can be. You are strong, you are brave, and I am so confident that you will lead a very rich life filled with love and peace. I think you are aware of it deep down as well so please; make that come true and lead a life truly worth living and emulating. 

You have so many reasons for to be grateful in your life so please be aware of them, affirm them and practise gratitude. Know how blessed you are. I know you believe in God as well so trust that he will take care of you and will guide you well. You don’t need to seek any sort of connection with anyone; all that matters are the connection you have with yourself, your inner soul and God. And that alone will fill you with much happiness and you will be ready to tackle each day in a hopeful manner.

You are strong. You are brave. You are kind. You are amazing. Know it, know who are; reconnect with that part of yourself and know that you will never be truly alone because you have yourself to trust and lean on at the end of the day. You are all that you need at times and that can be enough. A tree lives that way; proud and strong and I am sure we can take a cue from that. Just live; live your life well by listening to your heart and gut. Trust for things to fall in the right place when they are supposed to. You have come so far in life and you should be proud of that. You have every reason in the world to smile and be happy.

I cannot wait to see you again this time in person. All the best with all your endeavours. I pray for all your dreams to come true. You are beautiful and amazing; I cannot wait for the whole world to see that, I cannot wait for YOU to see that.

Lots of love,


(No copyright infringement is intended for the picture used)

14 thoughts on “A letter to someone special I know

  1. Thank you for all of your beautifully written words. Perusing every word allows one to truly feel and connect with your brilliant journey. Absorbing this recent post, resonated with me and I am genuinely grateful for your insight, transparency, authenticity and sagacity. Continue to write, shine and be unapologetically you!! I hope that this form of communication discovers you well wherever in this world you are located? All of my light, respect and goodness 💫🌻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words; it really motivates and inspires me to write more and share my insights in light of recent events. It really means a lot to me that you took time to read this post and comment on it.

      I hope you’ve checked other posts in this “lessons learnt/re-learnt” series. Hopefully your insights and take on it will help shed more light and clarity on things I’ve never known or considered before 🙂

      To answer your last question, I reside in a city named Bangalore in India; hence my blog moniker 🙂 This letter was for a dear friend from Belgium for whom I wanted to share a few of my thoughts and ideas in order to comfort her. It makes me really happy to hear that this letter resonated with you as well 🙂 Thank you so much again; your comment made my day.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for your efficient response conflated with your willingness to not only communicate with me, but to peruse the contents of my own blog! Such is immeasurably appreciated as such warms my heart ❤️

        The way you write, so eloquently and pure, is genuinely a profound gift. Thank you for expressing all with us. Your insight, passion, journey, sagacity and style of writing are all admirable and to be commended with the upmost accolades 💫 I eagerly implore you to continue to write. Write as your heart and soul desire!

        Of course I have perused the content of your recent blogs! Such a fulfilling, enlightening and insightful! When I am in the depths of your words, I feel as if you are only conversing with me as the reader. I believe this is beautiful as all of the words you express, are significant, honest and true. I connect and understand all, as if you are living my own journey? A gentle and kind reminder that we are all never isolated in this globe, even if we feel sporadically, as if there are no other like minded souls as ourselves. Thank you for the lovely remainder that we can all be connected in some means ☺️🌼

        India has always intrigued me beyond belief! The culture, cuisine, colours, rituals, belief system and tiers of society. A truly magnificent country in which I hope to visit one day ☺️ I hope that you are delighting in your journey in Bangalore? Your blog name now makes complete sense and I adore the name!! Thank you for your words and being all that you embody. It is sincerely wonderful! I am and shall continue to support your writing and works whole heartedly! ⭐️

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you for your heartfelt comment. Words fail me now; and I am confident that whatever I say now will do no justice to the kind words you expressed above. I am so sorry for the late reply as I took a internet detox break for my sanity’s take.

        Your kind words and support mean the world to me. You are right; we are all connected by some means no matter how we feel at times and your comment only reaffirms it. We do live in a kind and generous world; only we need to take time to truly connect, hear each other and our stories out so that we realise regardless of our percieved notions and ideas about the other person or race…deep down we are all the same. And we want the same things, we all want to be happy and we all want to be loved, be kind and experience it back. (It has to start somewhere though)

        I am so happy my posts resonated with you; it only motivates me to work better on my craft. I am so happy that my path of healing is helping others along the way as well. Hope you do visit India someday, especially Bangalore. (Where are you from by the way?)

        Thank you again sincerely, this really means a lot to me 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thank you for your generous response; allocating your time and energy into accomplishing, warms my heart amidst all other tasks present in your beautiful life. Thank you!! 🌻

        I agree whole heartedly with every word written. It would be a travesty if I were to elaborate further as you have expressed all eloquently, succinctly and as I would have. Again, as if you can read my mind, thoughts, values, beliefs and philosophises of life. Amazing! You are genuinely talented and gifted. It is a blessing to have your support 💫

        I hope that your detox proved beneficial and enlightening for you holistically? I believe such can do wonders for one’s wellbeing to be removed, in a sense, from the constant, fast pace movements of our society. Allowing one to focus and appreciate all in life, regardless of its scale or significance. All is and are significant. However, not all understand this due to the distraction of the modern world…a shame, yet tis the world we reside in. Oh! I do adore traditions and old fashion ways. Of course, there is nothing incorrect with the modern world either as both have their positives and negatives, as everything does I suppose?

        Goodness! I sincerely apologise to digress. Thoughts are definitely provocative and a whirlwind. Thank you for perusing and baring with me 😂🤭

        It is wonderful to have you returned to blogging. Welcome back dear soul! ✨

        Thank you for all of your posts. Each uniquely + constantly fills me with hope, insight and clarity. I have even extended your words to loved ones whom I know shall appreciate and benefit mightily from your insights. Thank you, with my entire heart! 💛

        I would love to know more of your healing and what exactly you are healing from or what has assisted you to heal? Of course, only when you feel it necessary and comfortable to do so. There is absolutely NO alacrity or obligation. Just be reassured that you are assisting many in the process. You are remarkable! 🙏🏻⭐️

        I truly hope I can visit the beautiful India, especially Bangalore! All looks purely stunning! I reside in New Zealand. Not many know exactly where New Zealand is, or that we even exist which confounds me sometimes. Nevertheless, we are a country and a beautiful one, in my humble opinion haha 🌱

        I hope to one day write as gorgeously and constantly as you. You inspire me and I shan’t cease to delightfully read your words. I am constantly excited to receive your words and discover it a blessing! Look after your lovely soul 🌼

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      4. Jesus…
        You write so poetically, so brilliantly and so eloquently that I am in awe. How do I even respond to these well written comments by you? Really…I feel I’d do injustice to your kind words by trying to reply back to them in some form or the other. I truly am in awe of the way you write; you must write a book! I’m serious. You must have a lot of great stories and insights to share yourself. It’s a blessing to have YOUR support, really…I must reply to all that you’ve said and I shall!

        Thank you. Yes, the detox did help though the time period I allotted myself felt too short. It was just an extend weekend. I really detest social media and the internet at times and long for the simpler days, my childhood days, the days of yore where there was technology but not so rampant and wide spread and there was a sense of balance in our lives. Typewriters and fax machines, I miss those days. You are right; the modern world does have its positives and negatives but sometimes I really wonder if we as a species have strayed too far to the point of no return. For example; I personally am so dependent on my calculator app for basic math…and random posts on social media tend to upset me though I am not a part of it anymore; stuff like these really worries me at times.

        I cannot believe you’ve shared my posts to your loved ones as well and I am eternally grateful to that. You truly are remarkable and too kind. I have no idea how my words and thoughts would help them or anyone though to be honest. Yes, I am healing from a lot of things in life, a few personal tragedies here and there such as loss of loved ones, financial hurdles etc. What really shook me to my core was losing someone I loved dearly from the bottom of my heart. That betrayal of trust and love really threw me off balance and I had to start my whole life afresh all over again. Coming back to your starting point again after many years is really no fun for anyone. Luckily however, I had the support of my family, I went on an excursion where I met a kind old Israeli woman who encouraged me to continue being myself; being open and vulnerable even more so especially after what had transpired. Her kindness touched me and I realised I had a lot of insights to share…and a lot more lessons I had read but had never fully internalised and imbibed to the point where it became a part of me and my daily life and habits. Hence this blog and my posts… I only did it to help myself and anyone else who might have been or are on the same path as I am. I did not expect any wide readership of any sort and don’t mind if my posts are sometimes left unread; they have already served their purpose and will continue to do so but just merely existing online in this wide abyss we call the internet.

        I have no idea who you are or what’s your story, but your mere words and presence is really inspiring and soothing to the soul. You motivate me to write more, express myself and be better just as how my family and that Israeli lady advised me to do so. I do hope you visit Bangalore some day; I’ve personally always wanted to visit New Zealand from a really long time. I’ve heard how beautiful the place and its people are and I cannot wait to see it in person (nearly considered immigrating there at one point but that’s a story for another day 😊 )

        Thank you so much again for your kindness and constant support. They really do mean the world to me. Please do check out some of the old and recent posts; I would love to hear your thoughts and insights about them. You are a sweet and gentle soul; the exact sort of a person this world needs right now.

        Lots of love and gratitude,
        The Random Bangalorean.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Firstly, words fail me once again. As you are in awe of me, I, am in awe of you. Even though I have no concept as to who you genuinely are, I am blessed to feel your energy and peruse the beauty, truth, rawness, authenticity and virtuosity of your words; your journey. Many have expressed and have enticed me to construct a book of some sort? I am yet to decide what exactly the content would be without boring all?! Nevertheless, I loathe to appear egocentric, so I shall cease. I believe it is you, with your profound insights and sagacity, whom should write a book. I would DEFINITELY read every word and be one of your number one supporters happily!

        That is pleasing that the detox proceeded favourably. Such is wonderful to know! I agree with you pertaining the days of youth. As with maturity, the world almost deprives us of the carefree nature we once effortlessly possessed. Now, we appear to be entranced in the alacrity of society. Not always. However, this is why I adore being in the comforting presence of children as they remind us to embrace our inner child, to adore every moment and appreciate all as if we are only viewing all for the first time. A gift in my personal opinion? Yes exactly! I worry about youth not being able to write a letter or their own name, God forbid! The somewhat, “antiquated” practice of writing and sending a hand written letter (which I still partake in fortunately and incessantly haha), to be replaced with a screen or an app to accomplish. The pace of modern day society?

        YES! Of course I did! As I feel (although I am terribly saddened for your tumultuous journey as you definitely did not deserve such ill fortune! Not a kind soul as you anyway!), that you have traversed similar obstacles to me. Thus, your words have meaning, substance, vulnerability and fragility which can never be deprived of your being. Despite the arduous moments in life, they allow one to learn about others, oneself and life, to endure all to become resilient so to rise above, with the lessons learned so to embrace life whole heartedly. All moments and experiences in life, mould us into the individuals we are now and continuing to become. The act of becoming is magical and something which is constantly evolving. Embrace all of the sorrow, pain, discomfort and disloyalty, yet also cherish the love, laughter, positive energy, light and warmth of life. As balance is exactly that, conflated with nourishing our minds with kindness towards self and others 🌼

        I am elated that you accepted the insight and advice from your gorgeous family and Israeli woman, to continue as you are a blessing to all who are fortunate to encounter your being in some form. Thank you for being you and being present on this earth. You allow this earth to be illuminated with all goodness, honesty, love and hope. Thank you!!

        As you begun to blog, I embarked on such similarly. The exact same reasons as you to be entirely honest. I struggled with self belief for a plethora of years, until an umpteenth relapse whereby I realised maybe my journey could even assist one other? Even if such is never read by another, the art of writing to convey all, is a form of personal healing and therapy. However, although this is a soothing and wholesome gift in itself, when others appreciate one’s work and journey, it makes the endeavour that much more fulfilling I believe? Do you?

        I genuinely hope I can visit the beauty of Bangalore one day!! I have heard only amazing praise about India. A place with much to offer. I hope that if I do visit one day in the future, sooner rather than later, that our paths can fatefully intersect to exchange our journeys and delight in the glory of life? Even if you discover yourself in New Zealand before me visiting England, you are welcomed to, not obliged, contact me. Your presence would be abundantly and graciously welcomed on our shores. It is coincidental that you almost immigrated here?! How fantastic!! I eagerly await to become privy to this story when the time prevails!! ☺️

        I shall continue to peruse all! Thank you once again for your kindness, light and wondrous embodiment of all that is good. A refreshing soul destined for amazing things! 💫 if you ever wish to understand my journey, you can read my blog posts, time and energy permitted. Please do not feel compelled to do so. The offer is available and I continue to extend my gratitude to you always 💛

        I wish you a pleasant day when you absorb this. Take care and continue to shine as you, unapologetically.

        All of my love, light, goodness, respect and positive energy always 🌻🌻

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      6. “All moments and experiences in life, mould us into the individuals we are now and continuing to become. The act of becoming is magical and something which is constantly evolving. Embrace all of the sorrow, pain, discomfort and disloyalty, yet also cherish the love, laughter, positive energy, light and warmth of life. As balance is exactly that, conflated with nourishing our minds with kindness towards self and others 🌼” – This. There is so much to glean from your comment; I am not going to reply to them. Rather I will try to imbibe them because there is so much richness and goodness in the messages and insights you share. Really…thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will keep revisiting this comment time and again…there is so much wisdom radiating from your words. I am going to re-read this comment again in the morning and absorb its beautiful message. Thank you so much!

        And this…this is what I was talking about.
        You have a beautiful soul and it has a song it wants to sing to the world. Sing your soul’s song. Write anything that comes from your heart. Trust me; the world will want to hear it. You have a great book within you that must be written when the time is right 😊

        “However, although this is a soothing and wholesome gift in itself, when others appreciate one’s work and journey, it makes the endeavour that much more fulfilling I believe? Do you?” – I agree. Wholeheartedly. Amen to all that you say; I don’t think I have disagreed with anything you’ve said so far because you speak the truth and that too from within yourself.

        I do hope your paths cross someday and we meet because I have a feeling there is so much I can learn from you. Thank you for your amazing words and wisdom from the bottom of my heart. I am writing this at 11 in the night and I’m worried I might not be able to do justice to your words (due to me being sleep deprived) but please do know this; I am incredibly grateful for your presence, kind words and your spirit. You are an inspiring being whose light has shone all the way from your shores to our humble little city here. And I am so grateful for it.

        I do however want to let you know that when I click on your blog link or name, it tells me that your site does not exist, and you may have deleted it. I don’t know why I get this message and wish I could show you a screenshot of it. It’s disappointing because I really wanted to read the articles you’ve written. Ah well, I’m sure it is a minor issue that can be rectified easily at any time 🙂

        I hope you’ve had a good day today. I extend all my gratitude, love and kindness to you and thank you for your patience and blessings 😊 😀 Eagerly looking forward to hearing more of your brilliant thoughts and insights as always.

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Thank you lovely soul! Your words (despite writing all of this at 11pm in the evening, for which I commend you for, to be able to construct such competent words is astounding; remarkable. All of which you beautifully exude!), continue to fill me with hope, light and the willingness to propel forwards, even if such is into the abyss of the unknown ~ the unknown, albeit petrifying, can also prove exhilarating beyond means, with the residence outside of one’s comfort zone allowing development of oneself to discover the pure beauties of life. With pain there is pleasure. Loss there is hope. Anxiety there is confidence. Disappointment, progression. Of course, these occur in reverse order. However, I prefer to adopt a half glass full perspective, as I believe you do similarly? ☺️

        You have inspired me to continue blogging and witting with your words
        “You have a beautiful soul and it has a song it wants to sing to the world. Sing your soul’s song. Write anything that comes from your heart. Trust me; the world will want to hear it.” I adore this as I believe you must realise that your song is beautiful; one to be disseminated beyond means. Yes, we both may merely be one individual in the scheme of the gargantuan world. However, as you, I feel destined to exert my gifs lovingly provided to me, to be expressed to the world. As should you! Please never feel disabled from doing so, as you have immense potential and a being which is made to be known!! 🙏🏻

        Similarly, I have not disagreed with any of your intricate, interwoven and thought provoking sentiments. Nourishing for the mind and soul. Thank you! You are authentic and not fearful of speaking of your journey or what you believe in. This is to be admired as many fear what others shall judge or receive one as as opposed to living as oneself!!

        It is now an aspiration that our paths are intertwined one day, so to be in awe of your words, so that I am able to continue in life with your sagacity and lessons journeyed with you. This would be a privilege for me and all is now even being able to communicate in some medium with your intelligent and worthy soul 🌻

        I apologise for the blog difficulty. I do not understand why?!! However, hopefully if you click or type in this link, you shall be redirected…hopefully?🙏🏻


        I wish you a phenomenal Friday and weekend to prevail. Hopefully sleep is a priority and possibility to rejuvenate you holistically? I continue to devour your daily blogs! Thank you! Please remember to allocate time to yourself as you deserve! All of my light, goodness, positivity, warmth, hope, gratitude, well wishes, respect and love always 🌼🌻

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      8. Your words never fail to make my day and elevate my mood. So beautifully articulated…you are a wise and kind soul indeed…
        I don’t know… to be honest, the glass perspective never made sense to me. If I am thirsty and there is a glass next to me, I just gauge the contents and drink it. My thirst is satiated; that’s all that matters. Is it half full, 3/4th instead…do we really think in such a manner in real life? All I think matters is…there is a glass…it contains water and I’m going to drink it. It’s not ‘half full’ where the rest of the glass contains air (though scientifically it’s accurate) ; see now that perspective instead is full of air. I’m so sorry, I just wanted to clarify my thoughts on this because I really do wonder at times whether people really look at a glass and think it’s half…empty and not as glass with water.
        (I am terribly sorry for my late reply, I hope you are having a terrific weekend btw…thank you so much for your reply)
        Your thoughts have really provoked something in me; I am not just inspired but now I feel there is something awakening within me thanks to you and I am getting more clarity by the day. I was discussing your beautiful words with a friend and we felt helpless that we were bound by expectations, society and a myriad of other reasons due to which we felt we couldn’t contribute to the world or help in the way we wanted to. And even if we could, then came the question….does it matter because at times it does feel like we let our greed get the better of ourselves and are driving ourselves towards extinction? Talking to you has made me realise (and I am more clear about this now) that you don’t need to try to save the world at once that too on a large scale. But however it is important for you and for the people around you that you recognise your talent, work on it, cultivate it and display it to the world…one step at a time. Not all of us have to be saviours …some of us can artistically and creatively express ourselves through song, art, literature, writing, acting…some have a real flair and dramatic chops…and inspire others to work towards a better and larger purpose and goal. Look at Lin Miranda for example. Born from immigrant parents, he cultivated a love for theatre and expressed himself through his work which touched the minds and hearts of so many people around the world including myself. Thanks to him, thanks to one man who chose to shine bright in this world, I feel hopeful that I too can do the same regardless of my race, nationality or my background. Kind words from someone like you only affirms this thought of mine and you truly have inspired me to express myself and be a shining beacon, if not for the world then at least for myself.
        I do not want to go on and on about this…I just wanted to say…thank you…from the bottom of my heart.
        And you’ve earned an ardent fan in me. Yes, your link works and I have followed it; I cant wait to read more of your posts and see what wisdom and insights I can glean from them. I really believe I have a lot from you and you, in turn, have a lot to share with the world. Please do that, please keep writing, please keep inspiring, please continue being you because you are good and kind.
        I eagerly wait for the day our path intertwines again hopefully in person 😊
        Happy Weekend!
        -Sharath (Yes, that’s my real name 😊)

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      9. As do your amazingly constructed responses. I am left in awe. You continue to motivate me to write and be the authentic young woman I have been created to be. Thank you dear one ☺️

        Your perspective pertaining the glass is profound and I thank you for sharing your thoughts, as such have proven nourishingly thought provoking. I believe many do perceive a glass as either half full or empty, dependent on their mindset or whether one prefers to adhere to the status quo of what is? Something I do not prefer as I would rather be authentic as opposed to following the crowds through being one with the tribe or “pack mentality”. Because, where does such actually direct one to? As long as one observes a glass, perhaps that is all one can ask for? It is then the free will of the individual to decide how to continue from there? Adopting either an optimistic or pessimistic mindset?

        Please, you never must feel obligated to respond or apologise for any delayed responses! All responses are timely, embraces and devoted with gratitude. Never feel as if my correspondence are priority, as I understand life eventuates, which hosts a wide range of activity. As long as you are healthy, content and enjoying every moment, such is all that matters ☺️

        Thank you! My weekend has proven family oriented and joyful! Celebrations of life and connections. I hope that your weekend has proven light filled similarly? Happy Sunday! ✨

        Thank you for expressing and discussing all with a dear friend. Such is humbling as I too, converse with loved ones about your insights, as you, your words instil a clarity, peace and willingness to continue and contemplate all in life with another perspective. Which is remarkable as it allows one to think critically as opposed to a myopic state. Which many do with the fixation of self, greed, status and wealth; believing that all of these ensure a worth and purpose in life. Yet do they really? Or are these aspects simply ones means of disguising their insecurities to not confront what is within so to place a facade over all? Not living honestly or kindly? What matters is within, health, happiness, discovering what ignites one soul and mind vibrantly and to be surrounded by positive, loving others ❤️

        YES!! Shine your light unapologetically as if your light does not shine, the world is in the grave absence of an amazing, radiant light whom leads the path for many. You have acquired a gargantuan fan and supporter in me!! 🙋🏼‍♀️ I have and continue to be educated from you and your journey. Such alleviates much pressure within my own for which I am eternally and abundantly grateful for. If words could only express this gratitude I possess!!

        As do I await the day and moments where our paths are able to intersect. Even the thought is wonderful! Connecting with like minded others, who understand and respect one another mutually, is a blessing and magical in every sense imaginable! ☺️

        I truly hope that you, your family and friends are all well, enjoying your weekend as you are all worthy of?! 🌻

        Ahh!! Thank you for divulging your real name. I jumped (literally ahah) with joy when my eyes observed your name. Thank you times infinity!! Thank you Sharath. It is always lovely to be accustomed to names of other nationalities. Such is utterly refreshing from what one is use to within the realm of the Western world!! Has your name any meaning or familial connection? I think names are significant in every means ☺️
        Take care gentle Sharath! Keep shining and spreading your existent, capable wings to be all that you embody. All of my kindness, respect, gratitude and well wishes always, Maddie 🌸🌸

        P.S. I feel as if you have endured much in life, with your profound insights. Are you in your thirties or so age wise? I only ask as I am always intrigued as to how one develops their sagacities and life lessons. Regardless, I delight in all of your words and am blessed to be in communication with you! 💛🙏🏻

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      10. “Please, you never must feel obligated to respond or apologise for any delayed responses! All responses are timely, embraces and devoted with gratitude.” – Bless you and your kind heart. You saying such incredible stuff really touches my soul. It makes me so happy to know someone like you is out there.
        “As long as one observes a glass, perhaps that is all one can ask for? It is then the free will of the individual to decide how to continue from there? Adopting either an optimistic or pessimistic mindset?” – I really don’t know to be honest. I don’t see it in a positive or negative manner. For the most part of my life until I heard of this conundrum I always did what my father did; if there was a glass half filled, to him it was a glass filled with water. And that’s about it. He didn’t complicate it or overthought it; to him the water took care of his immediate need and its all that mattered. So maybe that’s how we should approach life as well – see the water and not ponder over the empty space present in the glass. This is just my take on it 😊
        I am so happy your weekend turned out to be fruitful. Mine did too. I took a cue from you and chose to devote more time with family. I hope you and your family are hale and hearty now 😊
        I presume your name is…Maddy? Please correct me if I am wrong. I cannot write as eloquently as you but I know you know how much your words and support means to me. In this crazy day and age where we insist on straying away from any sort of meaningful connection, it really does seem like a miracle of sorts when one person chooses to be open and vulnerable with the other. You have earned a staunch reader, friend and supporter in me as well; I know you already know this but I had to say it out loud.
        Yes, my name does have a significant meaning behind it as do most Indian names. I was named after a famed Bengali author whose name my father loved when he was in college. He is famous for writing an epic story about a man who loses the love of his life and succumbs to addiction. The novel’s name is Devdas; it has been made into an acclaimed Bollywood movie as well. I guess I should just be grateful that I am named after the author and not the character XD
        My name also means “the rainy season”…I guess its Sanskrit. Coincidently at the time I was born it rained heavily after a long dry spell which not only complemented by name; rains are seen as a good omen in our culture if one chooses to believe in such cultural aspects.
        I do hope you are well and happy. Your writings have touched me so profoundly; I cannot wait for the weekend where I can rest in peace and read your posts. Thank you so much for your writings and timely responses; they give me so much hope and insight respectively in no order.
        “Regardless, I delight in all of your words and am blessed to be in communication with you!” – Likewise. Thank you a million – you always do take the words straight out of my mouth. 💛🙏🏻
        To answer your previous question – I am 25. I’ve lived a normal life albeit with more ups and downs than most people, we’ve faced financial crises as a family in the past, major accidents and a near death experience for me which gave me a whole new perspective on life. I’ve also suffered immense heartbreak and if I must be really honest; at times I feel my insights are not necessarily insightful and they are just to aide me in my growth as I feel I’ve been too naïve and trusting in my life all this while. The fact that it has resonated with a few people including someone as incredible as you is a pleasant surprise indeed. However, to quote my grandfather ‘it’s only one way from here and that’s forward’…he’d then point to a single road like a traffic cop XD I guess that’s all we can do at times…and sometimes it helps or can be enough 😊 I will not overthink my healing process.


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